The history of Cousin Itt

Once upon a time, there was a man named Ignatius Itt, whose obsession with preserving his hair led him to explore the limits of science. Ignatius did not want to be bald; his desire to sport a lush mane into old age was his most cherished dream. Working tirelessly as a scientist specializing in hair genetics, he immersed himself in
a world of experiments and discoveries.

Ignatius tried all kinds of potions and hair products, from ointments to creams, and even local and oral hormones. However, his dedication and perseverance bore fruit when, in a fortuitous accident in his laboratory, he managed to create a stem cell injection designed to rejuvenate hair growth in a surprising way.

The news of his invention spread like wildfire, and Ignatius became a rich and successful man by selling thousands of his miraculous injections. People from all over the world regained their lost hair, and Ignatius achieved the wealth and fame he so desired.

However, what Ignatius did not know was that his creation had unexpected and terrifying consequences. The genetic product, by altering the endocrine genetic information of the hair-producing glands, unleashed a macabre phenomenon. Within a year, hair began to grow uncontrollably all over his body.

Ignatius found himself in a hair nightmare: it sprouted without restraint, completely covering him. His hands, his legs, his face; no part of his body escaped the frenzy of his own creation. He turned into a living mass of hair; a grotesque creature trapped in the tangle of his own invention.

Hair even grew in unsuspected places; Ignatius discovered he had hair on his tongue, on his nails, and even in his eyes. The hairy creature resulting from his experiments became unmanageable, and Ignatius's life turned into an endless nightmare.

Finally, the outcome was as tragic as it was surreal. Ignatius, enveloped in his own hair, drowned in the hair tangle that had led him to the pinnacle of success. He died of suffocation, like hundreds of others around the world who unknowingly activated the uncontrolled hair gene.

Thus ended the story of Dr. Ignatius Itt, a cousin and scientist seeking eternal hair youth and finding, instead, a macabre fate woven with strands of his own creation.



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