

"Precognition" follows the story of Lucas Presagios, a man burdened with the gift of seeing future events through intense and vivid premonitions. His journey begins in his youth, where he experiences disturbing visions that leave him feeling helpless and tormented, especially after witnessing the kidnapping and murder of a young girl.

As Lucas grows older, he tries various methods to rid himself of his ability but ultimately embraces it as part of his identity. His quest for understanding leads him to his ancestral home in Toledo, Spain, where he reconnects with his grandmother, Flora Presagios, who reveals the family's long history of seers. Flora provides Lucas with a silver amulet and a family tome containing centuries of knowledge on how to manage their gift.

Lucas learns to control his premonitions through meditation and other practices. He starts using his gift to prevent tragedies, such as stopping a mine collapse and averting a train accident. His visions become a tool for good, allowing him to save lives and influence events positively.

After his grandmother's passing, Lucas inherits the family's ancestral home and the responsibility of carrying on their legacy. He returns to his homeland, where he continues to use his abilities to solve mysteries and bring justice, such as uncovering the truth behind a boy's murder and solving a decades-old kidnapping case.

The novel blends elements of mystery, history, and supernatural, exploring themes of destiny, responsibility, and the moral implications of having the power to foresee the future. Lucas's journey is one of self-discovery and acceptance as he learns to wield his gift with wisdom and compassion.


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